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Oatmeal smoothie recipe

Dec 29, 2021

Angelia Dickinson, MS, DipACLM

This smoothie is great for post workout, and pre workout. This smoothie is great for an athlete, personal trainer, and or someone who is very physically active. When we consume calories, the calories should serve us as a potential source of energy. This smoothie is filled with lots of amazing, natural, minimally processed carbohydrates. Remember, carbohydrates are the number one source of fuel, preferred by most cells in the body including: the brain, and the muscle tissues. According to the Harvard T.H Chan School of Public Health, foods high in carbohydrates are an important part of a healthy diet. Carbohydrates provide the body with glucose, which is converted to energy used to support bodily functions and physical activity. For many years, carbohydrates have gotten a bad reputations in the field of nutrition. All carbohydrates are not created equally. For example,  processed carbohydrates include most baked goods, white breads, pastas, snack foods, candies, chips, cookies, etc. and these all have a negative effect on your health. When we consume processed, refined carbohydrates, these carbohydrates are metabolized into table sugar, which can be taxing on your health. For this reason, consuming more whole, unprocessed, unrefined, carbohydrates such as: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes, can have a positive effect on our health.

Please see recipe below:


  • 2 cups of frozen Organic Tropical Fruit Medley (You can purchase this at Whole Food, in the frozen section).
  • 2 cups of frozen organic mangos (You can purchase this at Whole Food, in the frozen section).
  • 3 dates, remove the pit
  • 1 cup of quick oats (Organic Quick Oats- 365 Whole Foods Market brand)
  • 2 cups of plant-based milk of your choice (I used hemp milk)


  • Add all ingredients to a high-speed blender, and blend until the texture is smooth
  • Pour in a 32-ounce mason jar and enjoy.

Try these tips for adding healthy carbohydrates to your diet:

1.Start the day with fresh fruit instead of juice

Fresh juice is not a bad choice to consume. However, fresh fruit is a better choice due the fiber content. When we fruit juice, the fiber is removed, and fiber contains blood glucose lowering components, and helps you feel full longer.

2.Consume steam vegetables with your meals.

Steamed vegetables are a great source of carbohydrates, and they help you stay fuller longer.

3.Replace processed meat replacements with legumes.

Legumes are beans, peas, and lentils. Choose legumes for an excellent source of slowly digested carbohydrates. Beans and other legumes such as chickpeas also provide a healthy dose of protein. You can add beans or other legumes to tacos, salads, make chili, or soups.

4.Add more intact grains into your meals

Consume whole grains such as: quinoa, brown rice, kamut, barley, and spelt.

5.Use whole grain breads for sandwiches 

Confused about how to find a whole-grain bread? Look for bread that lists as the first ingredient whole wheat, whole rye, or some other whole grain —and even better, one that is made with onlywhole grains, such as 100 percent whole wheat bread.